Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday, April 12th, 2008

Yesterday, I woke up at 5:30 am because I had a lot I wanted to get done before class. When I got up one of the first things I saw was my Bible and thought I really should do my devotions because I had asked God to remind me to do them in the mornings. Well, I didn't enough time to allow myself to wake up AND do my devotions because I had other stuff to get done, so I decided to do my devotions WHILE i woke up. Bad idea. I don't remember anything I read because I was 1/2 asleep. All I remember is reading 2 Psalms on my own and doing a daily devotion out of 2 devotionals. I felt bad, but I just can't concentrate that early in the morning. I just prayed that God understood and that He looked at my heart. Anyway, I had to go get mom some ice before going to school so I did that then headed over to the fitness center at Tech to work out, something I haven't done in over a year and want to get back into the habit of doing. Well it's supposed to open at 6 am, but when I got there at 7am, it was still closed. Since I had been planning to call April and see if she wanted to have breakfast after I worked out, I went ahead and called her, thinking I'd just work out after I ate. Well, she had been thinking about skipping breakfast. but decided we could meet at the caf at 9:15 for a late one since we hadn't been able to spend anytime together lately. I was stoked! :-) Since Tech Fit still wasn't open, I went for a little drive so I could just talk to God and think. When I got back to Tech Fit at 7:45, it was STILL closed. So I went and wasted time until April and I met for breakfast. That was fun! I'm so happy we got to hang out. We haven't really gotten to do that this semester because she's been so busy (I have been too, but not nearly as busy as she has been). She had class at 10 so we didn't get to spend a whole lot of time visiting, but it was a nice visit nonetheless.

At 1, I had an appointment with the heart doctor. That went ok. She did however order me to get some bloodwork done and wants to see me in 6 months because my blood pressure was borderline and she wants to checkup on it again. Afterwards I headed back over to Tech Fit to work out and lo and behold, I locked my keys in the car!! Slightly embarrased, I called April and meekly asked for a ride back to my apartment so I could get mom's keys and open it. She was nice enough to give me a ride. :-) When I got back to the car and got my keys out, I went inside and FINALLY got to work out. I was so happy to finally get to work out again! Later that evening April called and said they had opened the floodgates at the Lock & Dam so mom and I drove out there to look. Not nearly as pretty as the pictures of the ones at Norfork Dam, but kinda fun to look at anyway. After that we went across the bridge because another friend had told me that there was a baseball field on the other side that was completely underwater. Boy was it ever! There was a basketball court next to it and you could barely see the hoops! I know to some people (*cough* Abigail) that might not seem like much since they've seen worse, but I've never seen flooding firsthand so it was an interesting experience. That pretty much sums up my day. The rest of it was pretty uneventful. Not that I'm complaining! :-)

Today when I woke up, I didn't do my devotions mainly because I was discouraged that I didn't really remember what I read yesterday. After getting on the computer to wake up a bit, and watching an episode of VeggieTales (did that bring back memories!), I headed over to Wal-Mart to get a few prescriptions filled and get some household items. They were shorthanded at the pharmacy and I had to wait for an hour. After getting the other items I needed, I headed over to the books section and looked at some of them in the inspirational section. I couldn't believe what they called "inspirational"! There was a murder mystery book there about a guy named Adam who died and was resurrected and at some point decide if he was going to die for his wife, who was named Eve. *Insert eyes rolling.* Someone tell me how this was inspirational? Just because it's a couple named Adam and Eve (which I don't think they should have done anyway) doesn't make it inspirational! Come on people! Anyway, I gave up on looking for a good novel and started looking at the Bibles and devotionals. I came across one by Beth Moore and opened it up. Guess what it said on the page I opened up? “God delights in the attentions you give Him even if you practice them much like you did yesterday.” HELLO! Talk about a slap in the face! I had been praying for God to make it obvious when He was talking to me. Well, He did! Isn't it funny how we ask God for something then we're so surprised when He answers? Or maybe that's just me. Well, that's pretty much it. When I got home, I had to clean teh floors and bathroom, but that's pretty much all I did. Oh, I called one of my friends from back home who I haven't talked to in atleast 6 months and we had a nice talk. Anyway, if you read this all the way through, God Bless You! I know it's long. If you didn't, atleast read the first and last paragraphs. They are the main reasons I wrote this. Have a great day in the Lord! :-) Signing off!

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